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英文:In the study of contamination source determination problem, when town network nodes exceeds 1000 and water demands of users make real-time changes, this problem can be abstracted as a dynamic, large-scale and multimodal function optimization problem. Therefore, the methods to solve dynamic multimodal large-scale optimization problem need to be further proposed and are the subsequent research work of this paper.


云节点调用InsertData(data D)方法计算数据D所属的控制点(叶节点),将数据D发送到存储该控制点所在的目标云节点上,并调用目标云节点本地方法DoInsert(D,u)完成数据存储操作。DoInsert(D,u)方法负责将数据D存储到本地索引L-Index,插入成功返回true,否则返回false。方法Subdivide(D,root,G)利用递归方法计算包含数据D叶节点并将其加入到控制点列表G中。Subdivide(D,root,G)调用Intersect(D,R) 方法判断数据D与区域R相交的情况,如果相交返回true,否则返回false。


算法3. 基于PR-Index数据插入算法InsertData.

输入: d数据D;

输出: 插入成功标志isInserted的布尔值.


Cloud node calls method InsertData(data D) to calculate the control point (leaf node) where data D belongs to, sends data D to goal cloud node where this control point is stored, and calls local method DoInsert(D,u) of goal cloud node to complete data storing operation. DoInsert(D,u) method is responsible to store data D in L-Index. If complete insertion, back to “true”; otherwise, back to “false”. Method Subdivide(D,root,G) calculates leaf node where data D belongs to by iterated method and adds it in control point list G. Subdivide(D,root,G) calls method Intersect (D,R) to judge the intersecting condition of data D and R range. If intersects, back to “true”; otherwise, back to “false”.

See detailed process of data insertion algorithm in algorithm 3.

Algorithm 3. PR-Index based data insertion algorithm:InsertData

Input: d-dimension data D;

Output: Boolean value of successfully insert symbol isInserted  





China started late in doing researches on sewage source, and among those studies, the earliest and most prominent case is the sewage source heat-pump experiment program carried out by the Beijing Drainage Group and operated in Gaobedian sewage treatment plant in 2000, using the two-phase fluid. In 2003, sewage treatment plant in Beijing Miyun county adopted the raw sewage source heat-pump system for supplying heat for its factory building,(including its writing office,workshop,and garage) covering an area of 10000 square meters, and provide only for offices with cooling. Since then, the researchers attach great importance on using the raw sewage as a heating and cooling source. So in this field, Harbin walks ahead of the nation. As typical cases, Wangjiang Hotel and Hengmao Mall both adopted the raw sewage source heat-pump system.

This paper, in accordance with the case of the application of the raw sewage source heat-pump system in Tianjin, lays emphasis on the hydraulic regime of the system, and gives an assessment about its thermal economic benefits


为了保障大数据计算的安全,结合大数据安全的安全研究和可信云的概念,提出一个大数据计算下 SAT的双向防御系统模型。该模型通过动态安全因子对用户数据证据进行规范;逐步确定各行为证据的安全 权限,实现行为的可靠性测试,为用户提供最大限度的安全防御。实验结果表明,该系统模型可以有效地提升大 数据的数据安全,降低黑客的恶意攻击行为,从而提高大数据分析效率



 In order to guarantee the safety of big data calculation, and based on the concepts of security research and trustworthy clouds of big data safety? this paper put forward a bi-directional defense system SAT model under big data calculation. The model regulated users’ data evidence through dynamic safety factors,gradually determined the security permission of various behavior evidences,achieved reliable test of behaviors> as well as offered safety defense to users to the maximum limit. Experimental result shows that the system model can effectively improve the data safety of big data and reduce the hostile attack of hackers so as to improve the analysis efficiency of big data.

 big data; SAT model;bi-directional defense




PID algorithm is a control algorithm with foreseeability. Its core concept is: PID algorithm considers not only the present-status value ( present status) of the control target but also the status value of the control target in the last period of time (history status) and the variation of its status value in the recent time (expectation). The three aspects decide the present output control signal together. The calculation result of PID algorithm is a number which is used to control the operation of the controlled object in multiple statuses, such as different power of the heater, opening of the valve and so on. Normally, the output is in the form of PWM, which basically meets the design requirements of outputting control signals as needed and changing the duty ratio of output signals timely according to the situation[13].


温度采集电路主要用于控温台温度的实时采集和反馈。电路采用Pt1000铂热敏电阻器作为温度传感器,其电阻温度系数为0.003851 °C-1,精度范围±0.05 °C-±0.5°C,满足了设计要求。作为温度传感器,Pt1000具有电气性能稳定、耐振动、可靠性高、精确灵敏、产品寿命长、使用方便等优点共模抑制比通常被定义为作用于系统的共模干扰信号与使该系统产生同样输出所需的差模信号之比。共模抑制比越高,说明系统对共模干扰的抑制能力越强。AD8221是美国ADIAnalog Devices Inc)公司于2003年推出的增益可编程高性能仪用放大器,该放大器的突出优点是其优异的共模抑制性能。当增益为1时,AD8221能够在各级保持最小80dB的共模抑制比,直至频率达到10kHz,能够有效抑制共模干扰,因此,非常适合用于具有差分输入的传感器接口电路中。此外,AD8221具有低电压失调、低失调漂移、低增益漂移高增益精度特性,是直流性能应用的最佳选择。因此,本文使用Pt1000AD8221分别实现温度信号的采集和放大功能,简化系统设计,保证了温度测量的快速、准确。


The temperature acquisition circuit is mainly used for the real-time collection and feedback of the temperature of sample holder. In the circuit, Pt1000 platinum thermal resistor is used as temperature sensor. It’s temperature coefficient of resistance is 0.003851 °C-1 and accuracy is ±0.05 °C-±0.5°C, which is qualified for the design. As a temperature sensor, Pt1000 has the advances of stable electrical performance, vibration endurance, reliability, accuracy, flexibility, long life, convenience for use, etc. The common-mode rejection ratio is usually defined as the ratio of the common-mode interference signal acting on the system to the different-mode signal needed by the system to have the same output. Higher common-mode rejection ratio means that the system has stronger ability to resist common interference. AD8221 is a gain-programmable high-performance instrument amplifier introduced by American company ADI (Analog Devices Inc). Its remarkable advantage is its outstanding common-mode rejection performance. When the gain is 1, AD8221 can keep the minimum common-mode rejection ratio of 80dB at each level until the frequency reaches 10kHz, thus it can resit common-mode interference effectively and is very suitable for the sensor interface circuit with deferential input. In addition, AD8221 is also featured by low voltage offset, low offset drift, low grain drift and high gain accuracy, so it is the best choice for direct current performance application. Therefore, this paper uses Pt1000 and AD8221 to enable the collection and amplification of temperature signal respectively, which has simplified the system and ensured high efficiency and accuracy of temperature measurement.




The online text comments on major promotional categories are collected from online purchase platforms; then the dictionary-based method is employed to analysis the emotions and separate them into three classes: the positive, the neural and the negative, and the proportion each class is calculated; next, through Chinese word segmenting, part of speech tagging, word reduction, word frequency statistics and word frequency matrix construction, the high-frequency words related to consumer perception are selected out; finally factor analysis is adopted to extract main elements from the variable of word, and with consideration to the emotion distribution of key words, the word variables of each category of commodities are compared and studied


在经过文本数据清洗获得有效评论后,首先使用情感分析软件ROST CM6个品类商品的评论划分为正面、中性和负面三类,分别记为PEOENE,情感值设定为:PE∈(5,+∞)OE∈[-5,5] NE∈(-∞,-5)。在软件预处理后,要采用人工纠偏确保分类的精准性,如内容不错不错可能会被误定为负面情感。然后根据三种情绪的比例,通过加权求和计算原始情绪值CE,如式(1)所示。


After data filtering the effective comments were obtained. Then, the emotion analysis software ROSTCM was employed to classify the comments of the 6 categories of goods into three classes: the positive, the neural and the negative, remarked as PE, OE and NE respectively whose emotion values were set to PE∈(5,+∞), OE∈[-5,5] and NE∈(-∞,-5). After the preprocessing of the software, manual deviation rectification was needed to guarantee the accuracy of classification, otherwise the contents such as “not bad” may be identified as negative emotion. Then according to the proportions of the three classes of emotions, the initial emotion value CE was obtained by calculating weighted sum, as Formula (1) shows.




It’s of great significance to publish linked data on the basis of traditional web data. The W2RML-based linked data publishing system managed to provide linked data sources for the application of semantic web with the original web access mechanism keeping intact, and meanwhile provided effective solution to the construction of Web of Data where the RDF data are linked together. In specific domains, the theory of this paper can provide certain reference to the problems of data source and publishing of linked data.



高校的主页结构相对固定、模式规范,没有广告之类的干扰信息。在信息内容上,高校主页的新闻记载着与学校相关的重要事务。例如,新闻中经常涉及学术交流、学科建设、专业发展以及对学校活动、学校人物的相关报道。因而,高校新闻是学校的活动日志,包含着与学校相关的重要信息与数据。另外,随着时间的增长,学校的新闻数据量也在不断地扩大,大量具有鲜明主题且结构相对稳定的数据适合用相关的数据分析方法进行汇总、发布和分析。另外,新闻抽取属于Web信息抽取范畴,即指从网页中抽取出相应的结构化数据。本文抽取的内容是高校发布的新闻数据。观察高校的主题新闻可以发现,同一高校的新闻模式相对固定,通常情况下,高校新闻包括标题、作者、摄影、发布者、发布时间、审核人、新闻来源以及新闻内容等。不同高校之间所使用的新闻模版可能有所不同,但一条新闻的基本结构和属性是类似的。因此,不同高校的新闻转换为相应的RDF数据时,其所使用的本体(描述新闻的元数据)就相对固定。并且,考虑到后期要发布成相应的Linked Data,且尽量使用现有的通用本体,所以这里只选择常用的新闻属性。基于此,本文研究高校新闻信息的抽取与关联数据发布问题,主要贡献在于:





The homepages of universities have fixed structures and regulated patterns without interference information like advertisements. As for the contents of information, the homepages record important events of universities. For instance, the news often refers to academic communication, discipline construction, professional development and reports on the activities and persons of the university. Therefore, university news is the activity log of a university that embraces important information and data related to the university. In addition, as time goes, the data size of university news expands, thus there are large amounts of data with distinct themes and stable structure that are suitable to be summarized, published and analyzed with relevant data analyzing methods. What’s more, news extraction is in the scope of web information extraction, referring to extracting relevant structured data from web pages. The extracted contents in this paper are the news data published by universities. By observing the news of universities it’s discovered that a university has fixed news mode, and generally, the news contains title, author, photograph, publisher, publishing date, reviewer, news resource and content. Different universities may use different templates, but the basic structure and attributes of news are similar. Hence, in conversion of news data of different universities into relevant RDF data, the ontology (the metadata describing the news) is relatively fixed. The existing common ontology is suggested to be used considering that relevant linked data will be published later, thus here only the common attributes of news are selected. Based on these, the main contributions of this study on the extraction of university news information and linked data publishing are:

(1) proposed a mapping language W2RML that transforms web structural data into RDF data;

(2) enabled RDF publishing of the news data of university websites and formed  linked data of university news;

(3) on the basis of linked data of university news, provided a platform of semantic publishing and query.

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